Friday, 18 December 2015

Petits fours

For a few weeks now the Pea has smelled of cake, having been present in her chair in the kitchen during a bake off which has lasted from Rashimi's birthday on November 16th to the Christmas fair, carol concerts and now Christmas itself.

Having a baby in the house changes the atmosphere. Like a little sprite they create a warmth to the place quite different from humans of larger sizes. Babyhood is a tiny mouthful of sweetness - a petit four - which everyone knows will last just a blink, so everyone savours it. And everyone wants to draw near and taste the magic.  The best bit about it is no matter which baby - they all have it. None is exempt.

And life is all about sweetness and cake with two dwarves and a petit four pastry petal unfurling herself to the world.

We have a 4 year old in the house again. So a spiderman party began the bake fest with a red and blue cake with web on the top. 'Jaden can't come 'cos he'th gone to 'Ganda' mused Rashimi. 'But Telmo is coming. Telmo speakth Bathque'. Telmo is from the Basque country and when he arrived in school he spoke no English, and not even Spanish. Just Basque. He comes over and dresses up in Rashimi's spare spiderman suit and they weave little webs together. They have their own way of communicating.

And veering a little between squabbles and love, the Lozenge makes his brother a heart felt card saying: 'I love yuo. Hapiy Bufdai. 4 ***** uruaay!

With a Christmas tree, even though it still wasn't quite December, and flowers.

Because of course, it's been Christmas since May in our household but now the real countdown has finally begun, and the dwarves have had no trouble taking on elf status.

And any excuse for a bake off or any creative activity with a sprinkling of snowflakes:

to translate: 'Theis is crismus santaclos is fline froo dier ho ho ho. D end'

What our festive hutch advent calendar from auntie Rosie should have looked like: 

Our more authentic Pal Shack:

The roof began to droop after some enthusiastic scattering of snowflakes. That's the trouble with a flat roof in a snowy land.

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