Thursday 19 January 2017

Out with the News and in with the Olds

The Lozenge climbs into bed and I fumble for my phone. 5.55am. He gives me a strong armed hug, and an eskimo kiss. His nose is still quite rubbery and un-boned so it's a very mallowy experience having him in the bed. I think of J, who's in his Baghdad pod without the physical presence of all of us, and I feel grateful for a warm boy who wants to be near me this morning.

'So let's see what'th on the news Mummy. Can I turn it up a bit?' A slight lisp has returned since the 'loth of another thmall tooth'. This departure, and the arrival of the Pea's latest molar - four white prongs glinting through a pink gum - matches the state of our calendar and much else besides. Out with the old. And in with the new: New fangs; new year; and a new President of the USA.

The pips sound. It's 4am in the UK and 6am with us. 'This is the BBC Worldservice'. I wait for the torrent of questions I cannot or do not want to answer. 'What is a HARD Brexthit? Will it be hard, like difficult, or hard like a hard landing?' Donald Trump Donald Trump. Donald Trump. Why ith he always on the news? Why did someone drive into Israeli soldiers and kill them? Was it on purpose? Why would you drive into someone on purpose?'

The cusps of change-over I find are the most difficult. J has just left us after a cosy 2 week Christmas holiday. A fortnight is enough time to sink into the comfortable bulge of being together. And then it becomes stringy and stingy again and J goes back to Baghdad. He is alone, and we have to re-learn how to function just the 4 of us again. I'm sure it must be deep down good for us somewhere. But there's a crunching feeling as our little cable car meets the metal runners on the base frame. One out. Clunk. Clunk. Before soaring up into the sky free and independent again. And then up, up and away we go on one more cycle.

We listen to a strangely cheery voice reading un-cheery news items. I feel flat. And powerless. How do we ensure that the owners of these small warm bodies such as the one in my bed have a planet to be proud of? Any wild animals left to watch? Any destinations in which to backpack when they are 19? I think of the comment from a lovely Kosovar friend: 'We're bringing up these children to be thoughtful and generous and compassionate. And the world is full of hatred and violence. They're going to be eaten alive!' she said to me when we last met.

Where are the beacons of hope in this new year? I ask myself. Not within the News, perhaps. So maybe within the Olds, instead? Helped by our map of the world table cloth over breakfast, the dwarfs and I discuss Olds without even knowing it. 'Wow Mummy - but look at Baghdad. It's right next to Syria. And to Turkey. And there's a wobbly line, and there's a straight one.'

I also have some company over the cusp. Goldilocks, as in me, (a few grey hairs at the front) and the three au pairs: Woodren, Honor and Antonia - visitors here - in their early twenties, full of beans rather than porridge, and ready for adventures on our own, and with the small people. And for two days we immerse ourselves in more Olds.

Between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea you don't have to use much imagination to picture John the Baptist's sandalled feet trudging the rocky sand-scape. We start out at Nebi Musa - the Arabic for the Prophet Moses -  the mosque's white domes creating a textbook oriental atmosphere for the beginning of our hike. On our first cliff top, the view is breathtaking. We chew on dates and take it all in, feeling like microscopic dots in the landscape and within history - looking out over the landmass that reared the people who felt compelled to write a code for living or the word of God on papyrus. The Dead Sea scrolls. We look down towards the silvery snip of that sea at the very lowest point of the earth's surface.

Simon, our Palestinian guide, who has to walk each day or his legs feel itchy, strides on, leading us past ancient irrigation channels, still used by Bedouin, who are hanging onto as much of their ancient lifestyle as current politics allows. The Bedouin's temporary housing structures are vulnerable to Israel's hunger for yet more home-land and this way of life is at great risk of disappearing.

Into a rocky crevasse we walk, the river bed now dry. Huge boulders wedged into gaps punctuate the ravine like giant full stops. A Bedouin boy on the cliff top enjoys a rare audience and plays his pipe while his herd of sheep and goats negotiate the rough ground. Their bells tinkle and his brother sings and dances to us. Up another face we climb, this time studded with metal handles after a walker fell to his death a couple of years ago.

I was as glad of these handles as an older lady might feel glad of a handle on the inside of the bath. The area is dotted with signs of ancient monastic building from the 5th Century. The monks, such as St Saba, came from places like Cappadocia to get away from the material world and grow closer to God; and these caves and crannies and tumble-down rubble shacks, seem just as far from the material world today. We marvel at the idea of living in this way.

Equipped with 3 au pairs, it's a good weekend to go on a dwarf-friendly adventure. So the following day we set off to St Saba's foundation stone: the Greek Orthodox monastery Mar Saba - chiselled into and built onto the rock face of the Kidron Valley.  Despite the river gushing with sewage thanks to an Israeli and Palestinian dead-lock in decision making over this river polution, the landscape is magnificent. It happens to be the day of Orthodox Christmas itself and pilgrims dressed from top to toe in black - the women with flat topped veils on their heads - are gathering outside. The monastery is open only to men but we scramble down the slope below, the Pea lodged in a pack on my back and squeaking with excitement at the rocking, rolling motion of the descent. I am her own little ship of the desert. The camel mother. Then we clamber up the other side where we have a picnic on a flat bit of rocky ground facing the extraordinary sight of this higgledy piggledy monk-mansion. We are the noisy technicolour against the sandy surface which in contrast to us, is dotted with dark-clothed, silent worshippers. But no one seems bothered by our presence.

What really makes me wonder at it, is the reason St Saba came here at all. I read that after Constantine the Roman Emperor converts to Christianity in 312 AD, 300 years worth of Christian persecution comes to an end. So the faith becomes safe and comfortable and respected. 'Where is the sacrifice and martyrdom now then?' thinks St Saba. And so he decides to find a physical and spiritual challenge in this landscape of the Holy Land. Basically, life gets too easy, and he has to look for a more challenging way to live. Historians think that there were as many as 150 monasteries dotted around here from this time. Monks must have been flocking here in search of pain, and loneliness and horrible conditions. Who ever would go in search of that? And apart from a major blip when in 614, the Persians killed all the monks in the monastery (after which it was un-inhabited for only a few weeks); the place has been almost continuously lived and prayed in, for over 1500 years.

I feel comforted by John Steinbeck's reflection at the beginning of 1941. 'Speaking of the happy new year, I wonder if any year ever had less chance of being happy.' And when you look back, 1941 didn't go so well, nor the years immediately after. There was a supreme evil at play in the world, and it's hard not to feel that we might be heading the same way again, not even a century later.

But his reflection on evil is also heartening: 'Not that I have lost any hope. All the goodness and the heroisms will rise up again, then be cut down again and rise up. It isn’t that the evil thing wins — it never will — but that it doesn’t die. I don’t know why we should expect it to. It seems fairly obvious that two sides of a mirror are required before one has a mirror, that two forces are necessary in man before he is man.'

The au pairs are worth their weight in gold for Goldilocks, particularly with her three small people on a rock face climb. But after a joyful weekend, they leave back to January in the UK. And I embark on a richter scaled feng shui session. Avalanches and tsunamis of stuff: Out. And order and space: In. It's more zen in the house. And my state of mind is more peaceful as I've tuned out of News and into Olds.

As I sweep and scrub and tie up bags of stuff, I think that for anyone, even those who don't believe in God or Saints, it's still interesting to imagine what might St Saba be doing now? Where would be the rock face of pain to escape to today?

Maybe he would still be here in the Arab World. But instead of stretching himself with the silence and hermit-like withdrawal from it all; he'd be searching for his agony in the heart of the persecution and chaos.

A hermit with a helmet.

I must discuss all this with the Lozenge over the next early morning eskimo kissing session, when tuning into the News makes us go looking for the Olds.

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